A Case Study of a Delayed Delivery of the Second Twin Following Viable Delivery of the First Twin in Asmara –Eritrea

Authors: Abrehet Gebrekidane, Laban Lebahati.Simel, Lakshmi Nanduri


In multiple gestation,  premature delivery is common. The incidence of twin and higher-order multiple gestations has increased significantly over the past 15 years primarily because of the availability and increased use of ovulation-inducing drugs and assisted reproductive technology which are  the  independent risk factors for premature delivery. Delayed delivery of multiple gestations with survival of the remaining twin to viable gestation is rare. In this case report the delivery of the second twin was prolonged by 36 days. Patient was managed conservatively with no use of pharmaceutical treatment and fortunately it ended up with good outcome of both the mother and her baby. However, more studies and management protocols may be required for obstetrics practitioners in the main time.


 Multifetal gestation, delay of birth of second baby

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A Case Study of a Delayed Delivery of the Second Twin Following Viable Delivery of the First Twin in Asmara –Eritrea